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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Legal terrorism.. Let's not mince words here!!!

This article is a very crafty one which, in the pretext of acknowledging the misuse of women-protection laws including IPC section 498a, goes on to protect wrong arguments like misuse is very rare and that dowry deaths are very common place. Nothing can be far from reality, since there's only misuse prevailing in section 498a, with only 2% conviction based on National Crime Records Bureau(government) statistics, considering the total number of FIRs registered compared to the final number of convictions in the case of IPC section 498A.

In case of dowry deaths, it's found out that majority of the cases are of "revenge" by the deceased girls family upon innocent Husband's family.

The example of bride's sending back grooms who demand dowry(as referred to in this article) itself has a prime case of misuse, when it was proven in the trial court, in the case of the famous "Nisha Sharma" case that she was having an affair before marriage, and to wriggle out of the marriage which was fixed against her will by her own family, she cooked up a false incidence of Dowry demand by the groom's side and sent back the groom's barat(groom's family & entourage).

In short there's ONLY MISUSE, NO USE in case of all these women -protection laws, so much so that none can drive any benefit of justice in these cases.

This is so since the law is not just, but biased, and since the execution of such draconian laws are not according to the tenets of law and natural justice.

It suffices to quote the Supreme Court verdict in case of "Susheel Sharma vs Union of India", 2006.. That misuse of IPC section 498a is "Legal Terrorism"!!!.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Maintenance is denied to wronged wives... List of 120 Judgements

Original Post  :

List of 120 Judgements where Maintenance is denied to wronged wives..

Dear all victims as we all know that giving your hard earn money to your cruel,greedy & capable to earn wives is something like giving a forced charity  to an untrusted organization so called as your dead marriage.


So,here Iam pasting all the related major judgements which I got through official website of Advocate Seema Dhavale--- I salute you mam for your work & your website. It is of immense help & support to all victims where maintenance been denied to these cruel and greedy wives to give innocent husbands a sought of relief indeed..................


Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Rohtak sisters incidence: Media verdict out, before investigation starts!

Final Side (see the investigative youtube video below, also see the mail trail posted below) of ‪#‎FakeBraveHearts‬ false molestation case.

#FakeBraveHearts Rohtak Exposed..... Serial extortionists, why is the media trial not restarting now?.
This is the Final Side of the Rohtak Bravehearts story that SIF has been covering since last one week. After meeting the eyewitnesses on the case, SIF met people who have been victim of the same girls in the past. If this is a mere coincidence or it's a case of serial extorters in the name of women centric laws - well the police will find out.
As for now, it seems when the case has taken a complete turn, Media is no longer interested to hear the pain of people on the other side OR show how many people have been abused and cheated by the same girls and their family. Rohtak Bravehearts case has taken a turn because several witnesses have come in support of the boys, Imagine if the boys were alone! If you wish to raise voice against misuse of law TWEET using‪#‎fakecases‬.
If you know anyone who is a victim of a false case by a woman, call 08882498498 or mail or logon to
********* My original feedback mail, when Hindu reported this incident inappropriately***********
Feedback: Damned if you do, damned if you don’t

Dear Ms.Mythili(,

Read your article "Damned if you do, damned if you don’t"(Dated 8/12/2014, The Hindu:

In the Rohtak sister's video only one thing is evident prima facie, that the girls are thrashing the boys, so as per law they are committing a crime(without going into the reason why they are doing it), so are you condoning it by saying that it's the way for girls to 'speak up against harassment'. If people start to speak up for themselves like this, what is the law for?. 

The girls in this case has surely committed a crime of thrashing the boys on video(not going into the background or claims by either side) and you are actually singing paeans in honour of these criminals!. 

Why don't you have the patience to wait for an investigation by the authorised personnel to take place, why this rashness in reporting by passing judgements!(in this case you have judged that there is partiality towards women who are oppressed!, by interlacing this incidence with others, while the investigation in this case is still underway!).

To put all this in perspective very quickly, lets imagine the genders are reversed in this case. Assume that there is a video of boys thrashing girls with belts, etc and claims that the girls had harassed them and that's why they had to do it!. Now what would you have thought?, and would you have judged!?.

As for the background and emerging inputs in this case, see these links below if you haven't already:

#RohtakSisters who framed Army aspirants with a fake case of harassment/molestation. See the other side of the story with eyewitnesses vouching for the falsely framed boys and people from the girl's village saying that the sisters had extorted money from another boy's family in a similar way earlier.

But if laws are made so that people can be framed without requiring any evidence or witness, someone like these sisters is bound to misuse!.

Deepika Bhardwaj on Twitter
Women from college of #RohtakBraveHearts submit complaint, say girls never attended college, roamed in parks, fought
Preview by Yahoo

Women from college of #RohtakBraveHearts submit complaint, say girls never attended college, roamed in parks, fought

The question is not just how videos are getting made(by the girl's own contacts, as per reports by media, though denied by these girls) whenever these girls are allegedly getting harassed(this question is by Zee news as heard in this particular clip). 

The questions are numerous, including...why are these videos not covering even a bit of the alleged harassment!(especially since the videos are getting made by girl's own contacts), and since these girls claim that they have been harassed umpteen(2000, as the girl says here) times and whenever it happens "they give it back!", if they are so prepared for all this, why is there no scenes of the alleged harassment(at least a few times out of the 2000 times!). 

Most importantly the way media pounces in for a media trial(& judgement) is appalling to say the least!.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Embed SIF One clickable banners in your blogs and websites

SIF one clickable banner(which links to SIF yahoogroup if clicked) is available for you to embed/link in your blogs and websites.

You can see a sample here(top portion, red banner of the SIF one helpline):

The Embed code is below:

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You can use this code in your blogs "Gadget" if you have blogspot(go to Dashboard-> "layout" and copy paste this code into a blank gadget).

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's day: Your online dad!

Your online dad! - Message in a bottle: Part-2

I chanced upon an old chat log today, today being Father's day. This chat log was between myself and my ex-wife. It was one of those chats which I had initiated, even though she had filed a false criminal case of Dowry harassment, cruelty , etc., against me and family, way back in 2003, as usual to enquire about how my daughter is doing. Like it happens usually, she started her tactics of shaming and blaming(as if I had a choice of keeping in touch with my daughter, after they had put up an extremely turbulent onslaught of false cases involving court, police and other criminal  proceedings against us!).

My ex posed as if my daughter is typing some of the messages to me, I really don't know whether it was her or my ex(as a part of her dirty tactics to make me feel bad, guilty of deserting my daughter, etc.,). One of the messages my ex send on chat "got to know an online father.."!.

So who makes these "online fathers", non-custodial, willing and yearning fathers?, who files false complaints and make a mess out of everyone's life?. In my case my ex and her family wanted to perform a 'Shock and awe" style invasion and subdue us quickly, so that they can rule the roost thenceforth, but with our resistance and grit this plan deservedly fell apart, now they are on to some kind of psychological warfare, which is also being dealt with appropriately and reciprocated too when apt!.

But in all this they do not, like many of these legal terrorists, realise that they are causing permanent damage to the psyche of their own children, denying them of yearning fathers, waiting to nurture them to be complete people, by adopting a shared parenting regime suitably.

Dedicated to all those dad's who are braving it out come what may, for their children's and their own sake, for the sane world's sake..... power to you dads, we will not give up without a fight, we shall not give it up at all!...... so shine on me father, that I can be the light for others too!.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Preity Zinta alleges molestation by ex-boyfriend after 4 months!

Preity Zinta alleges molestation by ex-boyfriend after 4 months!.... surprised?, me.... not so surprised since I have been witnessing umpteen number of such "after-thought" cases used as a leverage to eek out money, revenge or whatever the 'lady' is interested in!

I neither personally know about this case(new report and the FIR are quoted below ) nor am I speaking for any of the parties involved, neverthless it's a fact that even the Supreme court had termed this kind of misuse as "legal terrorism"

Pune police had gone on record stating that 74% of rape cases are found false( 74 per cent of rapes reported to them were intercourse with mutual consent), later supreme court and various high court's too had expressed concern about misusing such laws as a leverage to get something else done!.

********************** Final Analysis********************
If you you are wondering where is the "Molestation" mentioned, don't be surprised , IPC section 354 is now(after the amendment in 2013) Cognisable(police can arrest without warrant) and Non-bailable(you cannot get bail from police station, you have to get it from court). So this section was added for making the case "Strong"(read to get the desired ransom from the Wadia coffers!)

Original link:

All you want to know about the molestation case, Preity Zinta reveals

Deccan Chronicle | June 14, 2014, 16.06 pm IST

Mumbai: Actor Preity Zinta has filed a police complain against former boyfriend Ness Wadia, alleging that she was threatened, abused and molested by him. Preity later broke her silence on the incident on a social networking site. 
On the social networking site she wrote,
From my heart….
I may not be super wealthy and powerful but i have truth by my side and I’ve worked very hard all my life and tried to earn respect for myself as a self made professional. It saddens me that no one at work or around ever stood up for me in the past when i was abused and insulted publicly. This time i was left with no option but to take this stern step as this incident happened in front of way too many people.
Sometimes we are so ashamed and humiliated that we fool ourselves to believe that no one saw what happened . Everyone always looks away as if they don't exist or then we don’t exist. People are embarrassed just enough to look away, but not too embarrassed to intervene.
Ironically what happened at Wankade is being diluted by every other fabricated story about my character except the truth of what happened. I'm sure the witnesses will speak the truth and i trust and believe that the police will do their job fairly and quickly.
No woman likes to be involved in a controversy like this which makes her open and vulnerable for all to take a dig at. I have worked for over 15 years in the film industry and have never been subject to such humiliating behaviour and for that i really want to thank all the men that worked with me. Through all our highs and lows my head was always held high.
Every human being has a limit to how much they can take ; some of us foolishly call it strength and try to look ahead focusing on the positives of work and life. All these years i have never said anything about him in the media but now i have no choice.
I humbly request the media and my supporters to pls focus on the issue and the incident that happened in Wankade and not turn this and me into a TV soap. This is not easy for me and my intention is not to harm anyone but simply to protect myself and to stand up for myself. I don’t want any sympathy from anyone but i will sincerely appreciate it if people do not try to take away my dignity in the process of my fight for respect at my workplace. I think after all these years i deserve it and I’m not asking for too much.
First Information Report: FIR

********************** Final Analysis********************
If you you are wondering where is the "Molestation" mentioned, don't be surprised , IPC section 354 is now(after the amendment in 2013) Cognisable(police can arrest without warrant) and Non-bailable(you cannot get bail from police station, you have to get it from court). So this section was added for making the case "Strong"(read to get the desired ransom from the Wadia coffers!)

See the relevent excerpts, from this amendment, below.

6. In section 354 of the Penal Code, for the words "shall be punished with imprisonment
of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both", the
words "shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not
be less than one year but which may extend to five years, and shall also be liable to fine" shall

be substituted.

7. After section 354 of the Penal Code, the following sections shall be inserted, namely:—
Sexual harassment and punishment for sexual harassment.
'354 A.
1. A man committing any of the following acts—
i. physical contact and advances involving unwelcome and explicit sexual overtures; or
ii. a demand or request for sexual favours; or
iii. showing pornography against the will of a woman; or
iv. making sexually coloured remarks, shall be guilty of the offence of sexual harassment.
2. Any man who commits the offence specified in clause (I) or clause (ii) or clause (iii) of sub-section (I) shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both.
3. Any man who commits the offence specified in clause (iv) of sub-section (I) shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both
Assault or use of criminal force to woman with intent to disrobe.
354B. Any man who assaults or uses criminal force to any woman or abets such act with the intention of disrobing or compelling her to be naked, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than three years but which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine.
354C. Any man who watches, or captures the image of a woman engaging in a private act in circumstances where she would usually have the expectation of not being observed either by the perpetrator or by any other person at the behest of the perpetrator or disseminates such image shall be punished on first conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than one year, but which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine, and be punished on a second or subsequent conviction, with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than three years, but which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine.
Explanation I.— For the purpose of this section, "private act" includes an act of watching carried out in a place which, in the circumstances, would reasonably be expected to provide privacy and where the victim's genitals, posterior or breasts are exposed or covered only in underwear; or the victim is using a lavatory; or the victim is doing a sexual act that is not of a kind ordinarily done in public.
Explanation 2.— Where the victim consents to the capture of the images or any act, but not to their dissemination to third persons and where such image or act is disseminated, such dissemination shall be considered an offence under this section.
1. Any man who—
i. follows a woman and contacts, or attempts. to contact such woman to foster personal interaction repeatedly despite a clear indication of disinterest by such woman; or
ii. monitors the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication, commits the offence of stalking:
Provided that such conduct shall not amount to stalking if the man who pursued it proves that—
i. it was pursued for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime and the man accused of stalking bad been entrusted with the responsibility of prevention and detection of crime by the State; or
ii. it was pursued under any law or to comply with any condition or requirement imposed by any person under any law; or
iii. in the particular circumstances such conduct was reasonable and justified.
2. Whoever commits the offence of stalking shall be punished on first conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine; and be punished on a second or subsequent conviction, with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to five years, and shall also be liable to fine.'

CCTV footage from Wankade stadium on the alleged day, 30th March, 2014, please note that Ness was 6 rows away from PZ, as this report says, while another report gives another angle to this incidence, but until now there is no description of Molestation or outraging the modesty of a woman as prescribe by IPC section 354, as alleged on Mr.Ness Wadia!.

Excerpt from the later new report: Speaking on condition of anonymity, a source close to Wadia said the industrialist had booked 14 odd seats in Garware Pavilion and got angry when he saw his mother Maureen Wadia standing as all seats had been occupied by Zinta and her guests.

Wadia then got engaged in an argument with the actress over lack of courtesy being shown to his elderly mother "which has now been twisted and turned into a molestation case".
Zinta's complaint, however, has no mention of this.
The actress said Wadia abused her on the ground and said things which were "demeaning for my reputation and character" and, as it happened in front of so many people, "it has really disturbed me and caused immense damage to my reputation and character".
"Mr Ness Wadia's aforesaid behaviour on numerous occasions has embarrassed me and made me feel ashamed, especially in public," she said.
The full news report from rediff, quoted below for ready reference:

Preity Zinta molestation: Police examine CCTV footage

Mumbai police on Saturday launched a probe into alleged molestation of Bollywood actress Preity Zinta by her former boyfriend Ness Wadia and would soon record the statements of IPL CEO and others even as the industrialist rejected the charge as "false and baseless".
Sources at Marine Drive police station said the probe team headed by an Inspector has begun examining the CCTV footage of the incident.
The 39-year-old actress had filed a police complaint on Thursday night alleging that she was molested by Wadia, 44, inside Wankhede stadium on May 30 when an IPL match was played between Kings XI Punjab and Chennai Super Kings.
Zinta and Wadia had broken off their five-year-long relationship a couple of years back but continued to share business interest.
"We are verifying the CCTV footage to identify people present to record their statement," an officer involved in the investigation said.
Several players of IPL team Kings XI Punjab, of which Zinta is a co-owner with Wadia, its support staff, and officials of Wankhede Stadium were reported to have been present when the alleged incident took place.
Zinta, in her complaint, has referred to another unsavoury incident during the IPL team auctions in Bangalore where IPL CEO Sunder Raman was present and had intervened. His statement would be recorded in that context, sources said.
"We will be recording the statement of IPL CEO as Zinta has said that after she refused to sit with Wadia, he had screamed at her and the IPL CEO had intervened," the officer said.
Based on Zinta's written complaint, Marine Drive police have registered an FIR against Wadia under IPC sections 354 (Assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 504 (Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace), 506 (criminal intimidation) and 509 (Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman).
Narrating what transpired on May 30, Zinta said Wadia began "shouting and yelling" at team's support staff and, when she tried to calm him down, as her team was playing well, "for no reason he started abusing and screaming at me, grabbed my arm and tried to pull me by hand".
"I am shocked at the complaint and the allegations made against me are totally false and baseless," Wadia said in a statement.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, a source close to Wadia said the industrialist had booked 14 odd seats in Garware Pavilion and got angry when he saw his mother Maureen Wadia standing as all seats had been occupied by Zinta and her guests.
Wadia then got engaged in an argument with the actress over lack of courtesy being shown to his elderly mother "which has now been twisted and turned into a molestation case".
Zinta's complaint, however, has no mention of this.
The actress said Wadia abused her on the ground and said things which were "demeaning for my reputation and character" and, as it happened in front of so many people, "it has really disturbed me and caused immense damage to my reputation and character".
"Mr Ness Wadia's aforesaid behaviour on numerous occasions has embarrassed me and made me feel ashamed, especially in public," she said.
Zinta went on to say, "he has gone to the extent of threatening me with dire consequences and intimidated me by boasting of his political clout and connection.
"During the match on 30th May at Wankhede Stadium, in the evening, Mr Wadia intimidated me by saying that he could make me disappear as I was a nobody and only an actress and he is a powerful person," she said, adding the incident had left her "shattered".
The actress also said she had lodged a verbal complaint with BCCI officials.
In a Facebook post, Zinta said she had to take the "stern step" as the incident took place in front of "way too many people" and hoped the police will do their job "fairly and quickly".
Calling it a "fight for respect at my workplace", the actress said she had truth by her side but was saddened that "no one at work or around ever stood up for me in the past when I was abused and insulted publicly."
"This time I was left with no option but to take this stern step as this incident happened in front of way too many people," she said and requested that it should not be diluted by "every other fabricated story about my character" and made into a TV soap.
Questioning the "delay" in taking action in the case, Maharashtra State Women's Rights Commission gave the city police a 24-hour ultimatum to arrest Wadia.
Chitra Wagh, a member of the state's Women's Rights Commission, who visited Marine Drive police station to inquire about the progress of investigation, said, "We have served a 24-hour ultimatum to Mumbai police to arrest Ness Wadia."
National Commission for Women has decided to take suo motu cognisance of the allegations and will conduct a detailed investigation into the case.
"We will take cognisance of Preity Zinta's case and conduct a detailed investigation into the matter on our own," NCW chairperson Mamta Sharma said.
"I have got to know through media reports that Preity used to live together with Ness Wadia till 2009. But it doesn't matter. If Wadia did something wrong as what Zinta is alleging, then we will proceed as per findings of our investigation," Sharma said.
Expressing her disapproval, senior Congress leader Shobha Ahuja said that it was not important with whom violence is committed, instead it is important who is committing it.
"There is need to change the mindset of men. We have to give rights to women similar to men. If this mindset is not changed, such incidents will happen even to celebrities and other women working in high posts," Shobha said.
************** Another report on the CCTV footage **************

Deccan chronicle report mentioning the angle of "Zinta's Jealousy towards Ness Wadia's new girlfriend!". Excerpt: In a shocking twist, Wadia’s friends have now alleged that the bad blood between two former lovers was because of his having found love with another woman and moving on.